Once you have identified all your relevant skills, qualifications and experience, you have the blueprint to start the search for a suitable job. Understanding the job description and its content is vital to ensure your curriculum and cover letter have all the details that the recruiter is looking for.

To do this effectively you need to become a forensic documentation examiner, sifting through job advertisements with a microscope, highlighting the key words that describe the skills and qualities sought. Once you have a list of these core skills, you must then make sure they appear in your curriculum and cover letter.
Beat the CV Bank
The selection process is both time consuming and costly for companies, they often receive thousands of applications for one postion. CV screening is frequently used to reduce the number of applicants, so be prepared to face the CV bank.
What is a CV Bank? It’s a database that large corporations use to store all the curriculums they receive. When a new position is created or becomes available, the recruiter uses this CV bank to retrieve any suitable curriculums that were previously submitted. They do this by simply typing key words in to a search box - usually the exact words they used in the job posting to explain their requirements; law degree, leadership skills, negotiations etc.
Therefore, the secret to overcoming this first obstacle is to make sure the key words that appear in the job description are easily visible on your CV and in your cover letter.
Here is a sample job description taken from a previous post The Importance of Soft Skills which shows you how to find both the hard skills and soft skills in a job description.
Take a look at this sample job description. The hard and soft skills have been identified and noted down ready to be included in your CV and cover letter - give them what they are looking for!
Can you find the soft and hard skills listed in the example below?


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